Where I've Been...

Princess Haiku posted a nice note asking me to come back soon, and I just want to check in and let everyone know that I'm still here, and I do intend to post more in the future. I'm just not certain when. (Thank you, Princess H)

The past year, for me, has been filled with illness and punctuated by death. I've lost two of the most influentual women in my life, my grandmother (July 5th) and my step-mother (November 7th) and I'm having a very difficult time dealing with both of these losses. Everything is still fresh and somewhat surreal. I have no doubt that things will get better, but they're currently very different, and there's an everpresent void that's hard to contend with.


moif said...

Here is my love, offered to you, my friend from afar, in the hope that it will find some small comfort for you.

Diane Dehler said...

Dear Cyan,
My heart goes out to you and I offer my consolations. I too have experienced the loss of a mother. There are really no words for such loss. It goes beyond words and sometimes music helps. A few years ago something significant happened in my life that I wanted to tell my long deceased mother about. A friend told me that if you write a message on a white candle with a silver pin and then burn the candle, the words will float to heaven, and your dear ones will receive the message.

Anonymous said...
