I'm alive, honest...

It's been 21 days since I last posted, and I figure that I should drop in and say (in my best Monty Python impression), "I'm not dead yet..."

I had a little surgery in the middle of November, and I always find that December is a good month for reflection. As a consequence of both of those things, I've been spending a lot more time on private thoughts rather than public ones.

I've also been preparing myself for Solstice. It's right around the corner, and there's much to be done...Unfortunately, it's not a favourite holiday of mine. I guess I'm a bit of a Scroogey McScrooge, but I'm trying not to be. I think I just need to work on developing my own traditions that don't involve the parts of the holiday that I consider to be negative.


moif said...

Oh.... I hope your well Cyan!


Cyan said...

Yes, I'm fine. It really was a little surgery. I had jaw surgery years ago, and my body rejected the metal plates in one area. I had to have two plates and a bunch of screws removed.

moif said...

Just had my own 'adjustment' and am now sitting here with a tampon stuck to a seeping wound. Believe me you don't want to know more...

Tomorrow I get blood test results so tonight I'm probably not going to get any sleep.

Jess Haskins said...

I tend to think of think January as more apt for reflection... New Year's resolutions aside, January is when you settle into the long, quiet winter and have time to sort things out. December is just too busy what with the travel and gifts and parties and holiday preparations and all.